French tutor in Brussels
What’s a French tutor? You could say French teacher, or use the word French trainer as well. And we often do it by habits.
However, the word « tutor » has its particularities that can be pointed out easily. While the word « teacher » comes to old English and means « demonstrate, show, declare », the word « tutor » comes from Latin. Tutor in Latin means « veiller, garder, protéger » and is nowadays defined in dictionnaries as « a person employed to instruct another, often privately ».
My experience of French teacher – to use the most common word – makes me like this word « Tutor ». I indeed deeply believe that a teacher is there to help you, second you and watch out but certainly not to demonstrate grammar or linguistic rules.
You are the one who learns under the supervision of your teacher. Sorry… your tutor!
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